10 Funny Commands in Linux

On Linux, the Terminal is used quite often to maintain the system. But besides doing serious work, there are also some funny commands, which I will show you below.

Here, we are using Ubuntu 20.04, but you can basically use any other Linux operating system.

Yes command

When you type yes on terminal with a string then it will keep displaying continuously until you exit completely or hit ctrl + C.

bzala:~$ yes <your text>

For example:

bzala:~$ yes Thanks for Loving Linuxways

Sl command

Sl stands for steam locomotive. You must have used the “ls” command very often but with the “ls” command, you can see a brand new locomotive engine running.

Let’s first install it as it is not available by default.

bzala:~$ sudo apt install -y sl

Now run the sl command:

bzala:~$ sl

Cowsay command

Cowsay is a fun command which will bring animals on the display with your preferred text.

Let’s first install it as it is not available by default.

bzala:~$ sudo apt install -y cowsay

Now run the cowsay command:

bzala:~$ cowsay -l

You can choose one of the lists from the above output.

bzala:~$ cowsay -f eyes Hi from Vitux

Xeyes command

Xeyes is one of the GUI programs. As soon as you type xeyes on the terminal, you will see two big eyes which will follow your mouse cursor, scary huh!

You can install it through the below command:

bzala:~$ sudo apt install -y x11-apps

Now run the command:

bzala:~$ xeyes

Fortune command

Fortune command will show some random quotes that you love to see on the terminal.

Let’s first install it as it is not available by default.

bzala:~$ sudo apt install -y fortune

Now run the fortune command:

bzala:~$ fortune

One more fortune:

Toilet command

Toilet command is used to show large size banners with small characters.

To install it, follow the below command:

bzala:~$ sudo apt install -y toilet

Now run the toilet command:

bzala:~$ toilet <your text>

For example:

bzala:~$ toilet Welcome to Linuxways

Cmatrix command

You must have watched the Matrix movie,right? Do you like such things on your terminal? If so, then you can install cmatrix and see the magic!

To install it, follow the below command:

bzala:~$ sudo apt install -y cmatrix

Now run the cmatrix command:

bzala:~$ cmatrix

Aafire command

With aafire command, you can set the fire on your terminal with asciiart animation. Don’t panic, just type any key to interrupt it.

To install it, follow the below command:

bzala:~$ sudo apt install -y libaa-bin

Now run the aafire command:

bzala:~$ aafire

Rig command

You can get a random identity and address every time you run the command.

Install it through the below command:

bzala:~$ sudo apt install -y rig

Now run the command:

bzala:~$ rig


With asciiquarium, you will be able to transform your terminal into an amazing sea aquarium.

First, install the following package:

bzala:~$ sudo apt-get install -y perl libcurses-perl

To download term animator, follow below command:

bzala:~$ wget http://search.cpan.org/CPAN/authors/id/K/KB/KBAUCOM/Term-Animation-2.6.tar.gz

Now, install the package:

bzala:~$ tar xvzf Term-Animation-2.6.tar.gz
bzala:~$ cd Term-Animation-2.6/
bzala:~/Term-Animation-2.6$ perl Makefile.PL && make && make test
bzala:~/Term-Animation-2.6$ sudo make install

Now, download and install asciiquarium:

bzala:~$ wget http://www.robobunny.com/projects/asciiquarium/asciiquarium.tar.gz
bzala:~$ tar xvzf asciiquarium.tar.gz
bzala:~$ cd asciiquarium_1.1/
bzala:~/asciiquarium_1.1$ sudo cp asciiquarium /usr/local/bin/
bzala:~/asciiquarium_1.1$ sudo chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/asciiquarium

Now, you have two options to run the command:

bzala:~$ /usr/local/bin/asciiquarium


bzala:~$ asciiquarium


As a Linux user, now you must find it more interesting to use a terminal. Enjoy the terminal with the above commands. Thank you!

Karim Buzdar: About the Author: Karim Buzdar holds a degree in telecommunication engineering and holds several sysadmin certifications. As an IT engineer and technical author, he writes for various websites.


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