Create shortcuts in Linux (symbolic links)

Windows users are used to being able to create shortcuts to have fast access to their files and folders easily. This is especially useful when these are buried deep in their filesystem. This feature isn't as obvious on most Linux systems as it is on Windows.

In this guide, I'll show you how to create a shortcut on a Unix-like operating system using a symlink.

Create Symlink in Linux

Terminal way (the link will appear in the folder the terminal points to):


ln -s <target file or folder> <link name - which can be a file or folder>


ln -s /folderorfile/link/will/point/to /name/of/the/link

Desktop way:

To create a symlink without a terminal, just hold Shift+Ctrl and drag the file or folder you want to link to to the location where you want the shortcut. This method may not work with all desktop managers.



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