How to Use Ping Command in Windows 10

The ping command is used to test the availability of a remote or destination machine on a network. In this tutorial, I'll show you it's various uses on Windows operating systems.

All the commands can be run on command prompt or PowerShell. I have tested the tutorial on Windows 10, however, it should run on Windows 8, 7 and XP too.

How to Ping a Machine

To ping any machine, execute the following command

ping <IP address of machine suppose>

How to Constantly Ping/Send Requests to a Destination Machine

By default, ping sends 4 packets to the destination machine. If you want ping to constantly send a packet to your machine, use the -t switch. When you want to stop the ping command from sending packets, press CTLR and C simultaneously from your keyboard. The ping command should look like the following:

ping <IP address of machine suppose> -t

How to Ping/Send Requests to Destination Machine for the Desired Number of Times

By default, ping sends 4 requests or a destination machine is pinged 4 times. But, if you want to send your desired number of requests, you will have to use -n switch. The complete command should look like the following,

ping <IP address of machine suppose> -n count


ping -n 10

How to Send a Specific Packet Size in Ping Request

By Default, ping request sends a 32-byte packet to the destination machine. If you want to change, you will have to use -l switch. The complete command should look like the following,

ping <IP address of machine suppose> -l size

The packet size can be any value from 32 to 65,527.


ping -l 64

How to Make a Ping Request to resolve an IP address to Host Name

If you want a ping request to resolve an IP address to a hostname, you will have to use the -a switch. The complete command should look like the following,

ping <IP address of machine suppose> -a


There are many switches available you can use with the ping command. However, I have explored the commonly used in this tutorial.

Karim Buzdar: About the Author: Karim Buzdar holds a degree in telecommunication engineering and holds several sysadmin certifications. As an IT engineer and technical author, he writes for various websites.


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