
Restore GRUB bootloader after Windows installation on multi-boot system

Windows operating systems have the habit of installing their own bootloader on every installation - this wouldn't be a problem,…

Add own Windows logo in system properties

The system properties Window in Windows 7 has space for two Windows logos - one is the Windows logo that…

Correct wrong system time in Windows 8

If you don't synchronize your system clock with a time server, your clock will most likely miss the real time…

Manually Slipstream SP1 Into Windows 7 Installer DVD

There are more than one way to slipstream (include) Service Pack 1 into your Windows 7 installation disk - this…

Remove Driver Filters to Resolve Device Manager Errors on Windows 7

Sometimes the situation might come up where a device that was working flawlessly before will stop doing so, even if…

Uninstall USB Drivers on Windows 7

In the time you used your current Windows 7 system you undoubtly have plugged in a lot of different USB…

Setting the Path Environmental Variable on Windows 7

Whenever you need to call executables from the command line, this is not possible unless you either have directed your…

Automated Windows 7 Installation with an Autounattend.xml File

There is a possibility to create a Windows 7 installation DVD that runs fully automated without any user interaction -…

Windows Automated Installation Kit Error: 0xc1420117 on dism Command

Error: 0xc1420117 The directory could not be completely unmounted. This is usually due to applications that still have files opened…

Mac OS X-like Dock for Windows 7

The Dock, main navigation element in Apple's Mac OS X, is a powerful tool to quickly access your most important…



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