Are there Restore Points in Windows Server 2016?

There is no restore point feature in Windows Server 2016. You have to work with Windows Server Backup feature which can create backup including system state. If you are working with a professional virtualization solution such as VMware, you can use the virtualization tool to easily create snapshots. Restore point feature was removed from Windows ... Read more

The following error was generated: $error.Clear(); Install-MsiPackage

While Installing an Exchange Server 2016 on Windows Server 2016, you may get the following error. The following error was generated when “$error.Clear(); Install-MsiPackage ` -PackagePath ([System.IO.Path]::Combine($<wbr />RoleLanguagePacksPath, “Setup\ServerRoles\<wbr />UnifiedMessaging\MSSpeech_SR_<wbr />TELE.nb-NO.msi”)) ` -PropertyValues (“ARPSYSTEMCOMPONENT=1 ALLUSERS=1”) ` -LogFile ([System.IO.Path]::Combine($<wbr />RoleSetupLoggingPath, “InstallSpeech-nb-NO.msilog”)) ” was run: “Microsoft.Exchange.<wbr />Configuration.Tasks.<wbr />TaskException: Installing product G:\Setup\ServerRoles\<wbr />UnifiedMessaging\MSSpeech_SR_<wbr />TELE.nb-NO.msi failed. Fatal error during ... Read more

How To Rename NIC Adapters with PowerShell

If you want to rename NIC adapters with PowerShell, follow this tutorial: Step 1. Open PowerShell with admin privileges Step 2. Execute the following command, Rename-NetAdapter -Name "<Old NIC Adapter Name>" -NewName "<New Adapter Name>" Example If you want to rename an old NIC Ethernet to a new name ManagementAdapter, the command should look like, Rename-NetAdapter ... Read more

How to Create an Active Directory Global Security Group with PowerShell

I had to create a global security group while I was managing shared mailboxes in Microsoft Exchange Server 2016 with the help of PowerShell. I thought to document it for others. Create an Active Directory Global Security Group with PowerShell 1. Open PowerShell with administrative privileges. 2. Execute the following command. This is just an ... Read more

setup.exe: The ‘term’ is not recognized as the name of cmdlet, function, script file

When you are preparing an AD and extending schema while installing Exchange Server 2016, you may get the following error. If this is so, try the following solution. setup.exe: The 'term' is not recognized as the name of cmdlet, function, script file or operable program. Check the spelling off of the name, or if a ... Read more