Linux & Unix

ISPConfig 3: Where are the templates for the config files and default pages located?

The templates for the ISPConfig 3 server side configuration files are located in the folder: /usr/local/ispconfig/server/conf/ The templates for the…

Create a file of a specific size with random content

Today I tested the log rotation of a Linux server installation and therefore I needed a logfile that was larger…

How to remove a GPT partition table from HDD on Linux

Sometimes you might have to remove an existing GPT partition table from a hard disk. E.g. when you install another…

How to Shutdown or Reboot Debian 11

Since Debian 10, the Debian Linux distribution uses systemd to control starting and stopping of services, and Systemd also controls…

Ubuntu sidebar and top bar disappeared? Here’s how you can bring them back

In my research on Unity issues, I've observed that several users see nothing on the desktop after logging in (no…

How to Install Binance on Ubuntu 22.04

More than a decade ago, the world was introduced to the wonders of cryptocurrencies and the financial landscape has never…

How to save Gmail email (or thread) locally as PDF file

Gmail is undoubtedly one of the most popular web-based email services today. One of the key factors that make Gmail…

How to easily split screen space to fit two windows in Ubuntu

There are cases when you need to switch between two applications in your work. For example, a common use case…

Linux Basics: How to view log files on the shell

Most Linux servers are administered on the command line e.g. through an SSH connection. In the following tutorial, I will…

Fix the “make: command not found” Error in Ubuntu

The Linux make command is used to build and compile applications from source code, as it also builds and compiles…



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