Linux & Unix

How to find duplicate text in files with the uniq command on Linux

You must have dealt with text files containing duplicate lines and words. The uniq tool is your best chance in…

LINUX Basics: How to Move Files in Linux Using mv Command

One of the most basic operations you'll need to conduct on a Linux system is moving files and folders. You…

How to Install VirtualBox Guest Additions on Rocky Linux 8

If you have used VirtualBox, You might have noticed that display, performance, and communication between host and guest operating system…

How to Install XAMPP (Apache, MariaDB, PHP, Perl and PHPMyAdmin) on Ubuntu 20.04

XAMPP is a popular LAMP-stack (Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP) for building PHP-based web projects. It is open-source and supports…

10 Important Things You Should Do After Installing Ubuntu Desktop

Ubuntu is the most popular among the Debian-based Linux distribution which is composed of free and open-source software. Server, Core…

How to set JAVA_HOME path on Ubuntu

Introduction JAVA_HOME is an operating system environment variable that stores the location of the java installation folder. Every time a…

Linux Basics: 15 Commands for those who just switch from Windows to Linux

If you want to switch from Windows to Linux due to personal interest or due to job requirements, then this…

How to monitor domain expiry date using shell script in Linux

The shell is an interface that helps users to operate the system through different commands, scripts, and utilities provided by…

How to check .deb Package Dependencies in Ubuntu

Most software or application in Ubuntu, does not come as one package and it depends on other packages to work…

How to install and use the HTTP prompt in Linux

In this article, we are going to discuss the installation process and use cases of HTTP Prompt. HTTP Prompt is…



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