
Partitions in Active Directory

The active directory database is stored in a single NTDS.dit file which is logically separated into the following partitions: Schema…

How to Send an Email from Gmail Account Using PowerShell

You can send an email from your Gmail account using only a single command in PowerShell. There are several ways to achieve…

Responsibilities of the PDC Emulator Role

PDC emulator is one of the five FSMO roles in an active directory domain controller. It is a domain-wide role and it has…

How to Downgrade Forest and Domain Functional Levels

Downgrade the Forest Functional Level Step 1. Open PowerShell with elevated privileges. Step 2. Execute the following command, replace the…

How to Import and Export Virtual Machines in Windows Hyper-V Server

You can use the import and export feature to create a new virtual machine with the exact same configuration of…

Fixed, Dynamically Expanding, and Differencing Disks in Hyper-V

There are three types of virtual hard disks in Hyper-V. Those three types are: Fixed size Dynamically expanding Differencing I…

Error when Executing a PowerShell Script for the First Time

When you are executing a PowerShell script for the first time you may encounter the following error: .... cannot be loaded…

How to Fix WinRm Firewall Exception Rule When Enabling PS Remoting

When you are enabling PowerShell remoting using the command Enable-PSRemoting, you may get the following error because your system is…

How to Install DNS and Configure DNS Records on Windows Server 2016

There are two methods for configuring DNS on Windows Server 2016. One is using PowerShell and the other method is…

How to Install Docker on Windows Without Internet Connection

If you don't have an internet connection on a Windows system, then you can download the Docker file from another (Internet…



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