How to set PassivePortRange and PassiveIP in pure-ftpd on Debian and Ubuntu Linux

If you run a firewall on your Linux server and want to use passive FTP connections, you have to define the passive port range in pure-ftpd and your firewall to ensure that the connections don't get blocked. The following example is for pure-ftpd on Debian or Ubuntu Linux and ISPConfig 3. Set Passive Port Range ... Read more

Debugging of ISPConfig 3 server actions in case of a failure

The following article describes the steps that need to be taken to debug ISPConfig 3 server scripts. This procedure applies to all ISPConfig 3 versions incl. ISPConfig 3.1 and ISPConfig 3.2. Enable the debug Loglevel in ISPConfig Login to the ISPConfig interface and set the log level to Debug under System > System > Server ... Read more

nginx server error: 413 Request Entity Too Large

The Nginx web server has a max. body size limit of 1 MB for requests as default. This might be too low for file uploads in scripts and you will see the following error message when you try to upload a file:  413 Request Entity Too Large The configuration variable for this option is "client_max_body_size" ... Read more

How to add PHP support for jailed SSH users in ISPConfig 3

ISPConfig PHP Jail

Jailkit is an easy-to-use tool to create and maintain jail environments for shell users on Linux. In this guide, I will show you how to move PHP and its dependencies into the jail so that the jailed user can execute PHP scripts inside the jail on an ISPConfig server. Edit the jailkit .ini file and ... Read more

[Solved] MySQL: Too many connections error

This guide shows you how to solve the error message "Connect to MySQL server Too many connections". The error can appear in any log file of a service that connects to the MySQL server. This may e.g. be the /var/log/mail.log file if your email system uses a MySQL database. The error means that the ... Read more

How to redirect an HTTP connection to HTTPS in Apache webserver


HTTP connections can be redirected to HTTPS using the apache mod_rewrite module. Mod_rewrite should be available in every apache installation. Apache HTTP to HTTPS Redirect Create a file with the name .htaccess in the website root directory which contains the following lines: RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off RewriteRule (.*) https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} If you use ISPConfig 3, ... Read more