How to Disable the User Account Control (UAC) in Windows 10

User Account Control also known as UAC is an important component of the "Windows security system". This helps the applications running in the windows to prevent your system from making any undesired changes. Whenever software is running in a system and it tries to make changes in the system, a window dialog box appears that ... Read more

How To Rename NIC Adapters with PowerShell

If you want to rename NIC adapters with PowerShell, follow this tutorial: Step 1. Open PowerShell with admin privileges Step 2. Execute the following command, Rename-NetAdapter -Name "<Old NIC Adapter Name>" -NewName "<New Adapter Name>" Example If you want to rename an old NIC Ethernet to a new name ManagementAdapter, the command should look like, Rename-NetAdapter ... Read more

How to Write VBScript Code on Windows

Open notepad or any other third party editor like Notepad++. Write any VBScript code suppose Wscript.Echo "Hello" Wscript.Quit 0 Save the file with .vbs extension suppose hello.vbs. You can then run that VBScript file from command prompt. Reference

What is CBS.log?

CBS stands for component based servicing. CBS.log is a file which include logs about components when they get installed or uninstalled during updates. If you want to check these files, they are located at %windir%\Logs\CBS\ You will see two files in CBS folder, one is CBS.log and the other is CBS.persist.log. CBS.persist.log is the older ... Read more

How to Import and Export Virtual Machines in Windows Hyper-V Server

You can use the import and export feature to create a new virtual machine with the exact same configuration of an existing VM in Hyper-V. You can import the VM files on a new server and create as many VMs as you like. Export Hyper-V Virtual Machine Step 1. Open Hyper-V Manager. Step 2. Right-click ... Read more

Fixed, Dynamically Expanding, and Differencing Disks in Hyper-V

There are three types of virtual hard disks in Hyper-V. Those three types are: Fixed size Dynamically expanding Differencing I will explain each type with pros and cons in the article below. Fixed size Disk When you create a fixed-size virtual hard disk, space is reserved beforehand. Suppose you created a VHDX of 200 GB, ... Read more

Error when Executing a PowerShell Script for the First Time

When you are executing a PowerShell script for the first time you may encounter the following error: .... cannot be loaded because running scripts is disabled on this system. Why did this happen: PowerShell Execution Policies PowerShell has four execution policies for executing the script. Those four policies are described below: Restricted This is a default policy. ... Read more