3 Ways to Limit the Number of Responses in Google Forms

Limit Responses in Google Forms

Google Forms are very commonly used for surveys and questionnaires nowadays. Besides conducting such studies, they are also used in some educational institutions for quizzes and exams. This free web-based application offers us so much flexibility in designing and presenting questions that Google Form is the first name that comes to mind when we want ... Read more

How To Customize Basic Cinnamon Elements

Though Cinnamon comes with a settings tool you can not yet customize it to the fullest. This is because it still is under heavy development and it is even not yet recommended to create super-creative themes, since it is likely that functions will be altered or added in the near future. Nevertheless, I have searched ... Read more

How to Switch Between Users in Linux

Switch between Linux users

Linux is a multi-user operating system. Whether it's using the superuser account to execute administrative tasks or modifying the current user's access to a certain directory, you'll have to move between users at some point. Linux has several options for dealing with such difficulties. The obvious solution is to log out and log in as ... Read more

Debugging of ISPConfig 3 server actions in case of a failure

The following article describes the steps that need to be taken to debug ISPConfig 3 server scripts. This procedure applies to all ISPConfig 3 versions incl. ISPConfig 3.1 and ISPConfig 3.2. Enable the debug Loglevel in ISPConfig Login to the ISPConfig interface and set the log level to Debug under System > System > Server ... Read more

Reset Rspamd Bayes filter

Rspamd is a widely used email and spam filtering solution. It consists of a set of rule-based filters, blacklists, greylisting, and also a self-learning Bayes filter. Sometimes, it might happen that the Bayes filter starts to behave oddly and flag the wrong emails. In such a case, you can either try to start passing the ... Read more

Fix for Courier IMAP Error: check for configuration errors with the FAM/Gamin library

I've got the following error message on Debian Linux with Courier IMAP server: Filesystem notification initialization error -- contact your mail administrator (check for configuration errors with the FAM/Gamin library) when I tried to access an IMAP share. The reason for the problem seems to be that the "fam" package was not working correctly. The ... Read more

nginx server error: 413 Request Entity Too Large

The Nginx web server has a max. body size limit of 1 MB for requests as default. This might be too low for file uploads in scripts and you will see the following error message when you try to upload a file:  413 Request Entity Too Large The configuration variable for this option is "client_max_body_size" ... Read more