How to enable DKIM email signatures in amavisd-new and ISPConfig 3.0

NOTE: This post is about ISPConfig 3.0 and not 3.1 and newer. ISPConfig 3.1 and newer has DKIM support builtin, you can simply enable DKIM in ISPConfig 3.1 GUI now for the mail domain. DKIM is a system to verify the sender and integrity of emails. ISPConfig 3 uses amavisd-new as content filter for spam ... Read more

[SOLVED] E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?

You get the following error message while installing a .deb package on Debian or Ubuntu or while installing Updates? E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable) E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it? This error means that there is already an apt process running or ... Read more

How to delete saved passwords for network drives on Linux desktops

The majority of graphical environments let you choose to remember the passwords you enter somewhere to ease access to something but they usually don't tell you how to delete them again. Most Linux desktop distributions have a tool installed where all your saved passwords for network drives are stored in that is called Passwords and ... Read more

How to Copy Files with SCP between Linux Servers

1.1 SCP Command Line-An Overview


The SCP command line is commonly used to copy files over SSH, and between popular Operating systems like Linux, Mac and Windows in a secure fashion. SCP is used to copy files to/from a remote server. It also allows you to copy files from one remote server to another remote server, without passing traffic through your PC.

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Fix “HTTP request length 134926 (so far) exceeds MaxRequestLen” error on Debian Linux

When you get a 500 error in a webpage hosted on Debian Linux (6.0) with apache webserver and fastcgi, take a look into the apache error.log file. This can either be the global error.log or the error.log of the website where you got the error. If you find a error similar to this one: [Fri Apr ... Read more

How to disable MySQL replication on master/master andmaster/slave setups

The following guide shows how to disable and remove mysql replication from two or more mysql servers. These steps can be used for master/slave and master/master mysql setups. The following SQL commands have to be be executed in phpmyadmin or with the mysql commandline program. It is just important that you are logged in as ... Read more

Setting up email routing to gmail / google apps via ISPConfig 3

The following guide describes the steps to add DNS records that route emails from a domain managed in ISPConfig 3 to google apps / gmail. The guide assumes that you have already setup the dns zone for your domain in ispconfig. Login to ISPConfig, click on the DNS module icon in the upper navigation bar, ... Read more

Convert Linux deb and rpm packages into the respectively other format with alien

Sometimes you are forced to compile packages from source because they are not present in your current distribution's package format, which can be really annoying. While this is the safer option, there is also a quicker alternative, which is converting existing packages into the one you need with alien. sudo apt-get install alien Before you ... Read more

Enhanced e-mail SPAM protection in ISPConfig 3

The command below enables a stricter SPAM handling for postfix on ISPConfig 3 servers. In Detail: Reject sender hostnames with invalid syntax Reject sender hostnames that are no fully qualified domains (e.g. reject "server1" but allow server1.domain.tld) Reject sender domains that have no DNS records Check sender IP addresses against realtime blacklists. First make a ... Read more

How to disable spamfilter- and antivirus functions in ISPConfig 3

If you use a mailserver wil very low ram (< 500 MB) and a slow CPU then it might be nescessary to disable the spam- and antivirus filter functions in ISPConfig 3 as amavisd and clamav might be too heavy for your server hardware. The steps to disable clamav and amavisd are: Edit postfix ... Read more